Science fiction movies from the 50s and 60s are some of the
most interesting movies to watch when it comes to quality filmmaking. This is because a lot of science fiction
relies on good prosthetics or good computer graphics in order to show off
aliens, technology, and space in general.
In the 50s and 60s it was hard to get these special effects up to a
standard at which most people today expect.
There is a big difference between how modern audiences might
think of these science fiction movies, and how the movies should truly be
seen. From the way that the mass
audiences today indulge themselves in movies covered in computer graphics, it
could be extrapolated that people would think that a movie with practical effects
that are not particularly great was bad.
Most 50s or 60s science fiction movies could fall into this broad category
because resources for effects were quite limited. However, many of these movies were good in
quality for what the filmmakers were working with. Watching a movie such as Santa Claus Conquers
the Martians can help to highlight where a science fiction movie of that era
could go wrong.

The story of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians was an
interesting story that could have made a solid, entertaining tale if done
well. The idea that the Martians needed
a Santa Claus type of figurehead in order to bring joy back to their society
was intriguing. The idea of needing a
figure in order to make an entire society feel better has been done well in
movies such as The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. It is something that can bring substance to
an otherwise simple premise. The
Martians decided that the best way to get a figurehead would be to kidnap Santa
Claus himself. Once again, this is an
intriguing idea that could lead into a thrilling tale of getting Santa back to
Earth. These elements are completely
wasted with the quality of what was on screen during the entire movie.
Most of the Martians were friendly with Santa Claus
throughout the entire movie. They
kidnapped him from Earth, sure. But they
treated him as an equal, or as one of their own for the time being. There were only three Martians that were
against Santa Claus being brought to their planet. The leader of the Martians prevented these
three from doing anything. Santa Claus
did not conquer any Martians. He was
merely a bystander while a few Martians fought.
There was no struggle for Santa, outside of the one time that his life
was truly in danger.

Speaking of the Martians, the look that they were given was
really bad. They were people with some
sort of colouring on their faces, and green clothes and helmets. The colour on their faces was different
depending on which Martian it was. Also,
one of the Martians had a giant mustache.
This may have been what they intended for the aliens to look like when
making Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, but it seems as though they thought
these changes could trick people into thinking that the creatures were entirely
different. The Martians looked like
people whose skin had changed colour, and wore green clothes. It was not convincing at all.
There was also an underlying element within Santa Claus
Conquers the Martians that could be construed as a little bit creepy. By laughing, Santa had the ability to make
other people laugh. This might seem like
jolly old Saint Nick being a fun person and creating fun and laughter around
him. For the most part, that would be
the correct assessment. However, there
was a scene during the climax of the film where the laughter bordered on
insanity. A man attempted to attack
Santa Claus. Children came to Santa’s
rescue. While the children were fighting
the man with the toys in the workshop, Santa sat in the corner laughing
maniacally. This was a chilling scene
that may haunt the people who watch it for ages.
To say that there was wasted potential and misplaced genre
mixing would be an understatement to the highest degree. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians could have
been a great science fiction thriller that would be talked about as a classic
great from the 60s, but instead it was left as the laughing stock of an entire
generation of science fiction films. It
is right alongside Plan 9 From Outer Space as a huge disaster of 60s science
fiction. This is a truly bad science
fiction movie, and not one that is bad because it is compared to today’s
standards of effects.

There is one thing that I would like to say before you finish reading:
- If you would like to suggest a movie to be watched for the Sunday "Bad" Movie, leave a comment or find me on Twitter.
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