Every once in a while, I leave a slot open in the Sunday
“Bad” Movie schedule for a newer movie to slide in. I’ll wait until I get closer to the date that
I’ve designated for the new movie and then check what comes out around then on
DVD and blu-ray. I take a look and see
if anything coming out a few weeks before that time seems like it would fit
into the whole Sunday “Bad” Movie feel.
That’s how I came upon this week’s movie, Big Ass Spider! Yes, the exclamation mark is a part of the
Big Ass Spider! was a 2013 limited release horror
movie. It went into theaters for a short
amount of time near the end of October.
Director Mike Mendez and writer Gregory Gieras brought to screen a movie
about a government mutated spider that terrorizes Los Angeles, and the ragtag
group that is trying to put a stop to the arachnid threat. The group consists of a military Major (Ray
Wise), his Lieutenant (Clare Kramer), an exterminator (Greg Grunberg), and his
new hospital security sidekick (Lombardo Boyar).
I don’t know why I would bury the lead on this one. I loved this movie. Too many of the “bad” movies that have come
out recently spend too much time focusing on the bad aspects that they forget
to have a sense of humor and have fun with the material. The most notable that comes to mind is
Sharknado. I have spent a lot of time
talking about how I hate the Sharknado culture.
I’m not here to get into my hate for that movie based on a personal
principle that I have for “bad” movies.
I’m just going to use it as a point of reference for Big Ass Spider!
Sharknado is a movie that also came out in 2013. It was from The Asylum and was about a group
of people trying to outrun, and eventually trying to stop, a tornado that was
filled with sharks. The ridiculous storyline
was played fairly straight which made for an alright watch. The one aspect that kept it from being a
movie I would recommend to other people was effort and care. Sharknado felt like a movie that was made in
a few days. It seemed like they had a
mentality of getting in and out as quick as possible. Half of the actors in the movie, most notably
Tara Reid, felt like they were there just to get paid, and had no investment in
what was happening. That’s a major
problem. When the actors don’t care about
what they’re doing in the movie, it makes the characters feel
non-existent. When the crew doesn’t make
the effort to have the background look like there is a storm occurring in a
movie that is about a storm, the whole thing rings false. That’s enough about Sharknado. Let’s get into Big Ass Spider! and what it
does to make its own ridiculous idea more enjoyable.
The first thing about Big Ass Spider! that elevates it over
many of the other movies that attempt the same thing is that it has a sense of
humor about itself. The main character
is a goofball exterminator who can “be a spider to catch the spider.” I’m not sure if that’s the exact line, but
it’s close enough to what he said that I will quote it. He attempts to catch spiders by making spider
sounds. He gets himself stuck in webs
and burns himself trying to get out.
He’s serious about extermination, but he’s so overly into spiders that
it becomes a joke. His sidekick is an
accented stereotype who is the perfect character to bounce jokes off of. Their back and forth makes for an
entertaining comedic relationship. Both
Grunberg and Boyar give performances that show that they care about the
material that they are working on. Of
course, these two characters aren’t the only source of comedy in the
movie. Many of the murders committed by
the spider are humorous, as well as the news footage where one character
exclaims that he saw a “big ass spider.”
The movie is first and foremost a comedy, which really helps in
elevating the material above what other filmmakers have attempted.
Big Ass Spider! has a ridiculous concept, but it isn’t so
ridiculous as to cross the border into an insane idea. The concept is simply that the military were
engineering vegetables to grow larger and they accidentally engineered a spider
to do so. It’s crazy, but not something
that seems entirely impossible. It keeps
the movie rooted in some sort of extremely heightened reality. It’s easier to invest in what is going on if
it is even the slightest bit realistic.
This movie leaves that very tiny window of reality open that allows the
story to play out in a way that fits with the real world setting.
There is a lot to love about Big Ass Spider! The movie knows exactly what it is and plays
right into it. Everyone involved seemed to
give enough of a damn to put some effort on the screen. It looks good, it is fun to watch, and it
provides enough laughs to give your gut a workout. I’m glad that I chose this movie for the
Sunday “Bad” Movies because it’s exactly the kind of movie I love to
discover. It would have been a great
B-Movie if theaters still had the A-Movie/B-Movie system. I could imagine it playing after Godzilla
when that hits theaters. How great would
that be? That would be great. This is a movie that I would recommend to
anyone interested in the movies that I cover in these blog posts. Go out and find it right now.

There are a few notes that I am going to make at the end
here, like I usually do:
- Lin Shaye was in Big Ass Spider! If you’ve been watching some of the movies I’ve covered, you might have noticed her in Surf School.
- If you know anything about bad movies, you know Lloyd Kaufman. He showed up in Big Ass Spider! He also showed up in Bachelor Party in the Bungalow of the Damned. Don’t forget he is in charge of Troma, so he also produced both Chopper Chicks in Zombietown, and Monster in the Closet.
- I do have another post going up this week about the ten movies in the first fifty posts that I feel best represent the Sunday "Bad" Movies. It's something I discussed on Twitter a couple weeks before the fiftieth posts, and I wrote it all down last week, better than on Twitter.
- If you have any movies you would like to suggest for the Sunday “Bad” Movies, feel free to leave a comment. I’ve never gotten suggestions in the comments, but it would be nice to. I’ll also take them on Twitter. Or I’ll take a follow on that account. I’d like to talk to people there and give that more use than just pimping the blog posts.
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